Memories in a spin

             Many electronic devices use magnetism to store information, but now researchers at the National Institute for Materials Science, RIKEN and The University of Tokyo have paved the way for a new magnetic  approach that uses less power.

        Magnetism is generated by the properties of electrons. These spin on an axis like the Earth, but the direction in which they spin is changeable; in a magnetic material, the spins of most electrons are aligned with each  other. In one particular type of magnetism, electron spins align in a vortex pattern, a state known as a skyrmion. It’s this state that  could allow for more efficient digital storage.

        Magnetic  memories store information by switching the direction of electron spin – these switches correspond to the ones and zeros of digital information. Making these switches requires a relatively large amount of electricity, and if this could be reduced, memory devices would consume less power.

        Researchers had previously shown that  they could create a stable skyrmion in an iron- germanium alloy at near-room temperature – this is most often only possible at extremely low temperatures. Now, they have shown that  they can control this skyrmion using an electrical current that’s 100,000th of that  needed with a conventional magnet. This is the first step towards developing new memory devices that  use skyrmions to store information and that  consume very little  power.

Planning Lessons

  • Planning is essential not just individual plans or short term plans but long term plans too. There are many reasons for this, including achieving aims, good timing, covering all skills, giving a variety of tasks and activities, reviewing and giving preparation for exams.
  • Timing is an important aspect so you are not rushing either at the end of individual lessons to complete your daily lesson plan but also in the long term so that all topics have been covered adequately by the end of the term before the exam. Don’t forget to leave enough time for review.
  • As you are planning, check that you are covering all the skills equally and not having too many lessons where perhaps writing or reading is the main skill.
  • Try to make the topics as interesting as possible - include the students in some aspects of planning the lessons sometimes.
  • As you plan you can also check that a variety of activities are presented. If you always give students the same type of task they will get bored and you are not giving them the opportunity to stretch themselves.
  • Include a mixture of activities where students work alone, work in pairs and work in groups. Students need time to work alone sometimes to test themselves. Working in pairs helps students with self-correction and take some responsibility for their own learning. Group work gives students time to explore topics together and talk with confidence.
  • Include games, songs and quizzes from time to time. Make them a reward or treat rather than in every lesson.

The grizzly bear

The grizzly bear lives in the uplands of western North America.   Grizlies are normaily solitary active animals ,  but in coastal areas the grizzly bears congregate alongside streams, lakes, and river during the salmon spawn   .   Every   other   year,   the   females (sows) produce one to four young (most commonly two) which are small and weigh only about  500 grams (one pound) . A sow is very protective  of her offsprings and will attack if she is being threatened.

Male   grizzly   bears   can   range   from weights of 180 to 680 kilograms (400 - 1,500 pounds) and stand  2,44 meters (8   ft) tall on their hind legs; the females are smaller. Their coloring ranges widely across geographic areas, from blond to deep brown or red. These differences, primarily due to the dif- ferent environments, particularly, witch re- gard to diet and temperature.

The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders which is a muscle mass used to poser the forelimbs in diging. The hind legs are more powerful, howefer. The muscle in the lower legs provide enough strength for the bear  to stand up on its hind legs, giving it a better view of its surroundings. The head is large and round with a concave facial profile.

In spite of their massive size, these bears can run at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour (25  miles per hour). However,  they are slower running downhill rather than uphill because of  the large hump of  muscle over the  shoulders.

About Eskimoes

       Eskimoes  live in a land where the winters are are long and very cold. During the short summer months,  they  live in perma- nent homes of stone or earth. However, their home are useless when the Eskimoes have to travel great distences to hunt for food. During such periods, they need temporary homes to live in the and the only available materials that the Eskimoes can use are ice and snow.

      Given the absence of the usual building materials, the indigenious Eskimoes have learnt to utilize the snow and convert it into a snug, warm shelter called an iglo. In the language of  the Eskimoes, the word „igloo‟ simply means house. The igloo is made of blocks of  hard packed snow fitted together to make a low, domed-shapped building. The blocks are cut out are cut out with a knife made from walrus ivory as snow does not stick  to  this  kind  of   knife.  Using  this method, an Eskimo takes only a few hours to build his home.

       Inside the igloo, it is warm enough for the family to take off  their outer fur clothing. A platform of snow , covered with fur and skins, serves as the family bed. During the  cold,  arctic  nights,  the  entire  family sleeps   together fopr warmth. Cooking is done on a stone stove or lamp that burns seal fat or blubber. A small opening at the top of the igloo lets the smoke out and the fresh  air in. Even though the air in the igloo may not be clear or pleasant-smelling, it serves its purpose as a warm, comfortable shelter for the Eskimo‟s family.

Do Women Deserve Higher Education?

The issue we are discussing is whether women need higher education or not. Some people think that there is no use for women to get higher education, for women main role is in their household and surroundings. Thus, knowing about practical household management is sufficient for women to lead their lives.

In addition, higher education does not ensure women to get better life, so why bother about this? There are many examples of women who are successful in their lives although they only enjoy average education. They succeed in managing their household, educating their children and participating in community activities.

On the other hand, some other people believe that women also have the right to get higher education. They claim that education is important for anyone including women, because it is one way to improve the quality of life. Therefore, every woman must get education as high as she can achieve.

A further point they make is that higher education is not just the matter of achieving a better position in community or working environment. More importantly, it is the way to empower women and to give them better understanding of life and universe.

In other words, women have the same right to get higher education as men do. However, it is also their right to take the chance or just to leave it.