Thousands of tourists go to Bali each year. They like to go on trips for the fun of seeing new and strange things, and .Bali is one of the places where they expect to see them.
There are many books on Bali that foreign tourists can buy before they leave their home towns. However, books cannot explain everything to them, so it is a very good idea for them to go to Bali themselves. The island offers them many good things to see. If it did not, people would not go there.

     There are many hotels where visitors can stay. The three-hundred-room Bali Beach Hotel is one of them. There are just enough hotels now. These hotels offer tourists guides who-speak English and other foreign languages. The government has given these guides training because tourists ask them many kinds of questions.

      Names like "Island of a Thousand Temple" and "Island of Gods" show visitors that. religion is an important part of life in Bali. Most of the Balinese people are members of the Hindu religion. They have religious ceremonies in their temples and other places almost everyday. When a person dies his family burn him in a cremation ceremony. so that his soul may enter a better place. However, this ceremony is not a sad one. Their temples are beautiful buildings and visitors always want to see them. The Besakih Temple is the most important.

       The Balinese people make beautiful pictures. carving arid other things that tourists can buy. Tourists generally want to buy these things for themselves and their friends, so they spend a lot of time in the shops.