We often hear a complaint about work in a factory. The work is too boring, heavy, repetitive, and even too dangerous for the worker. The operative does not have to think about the work. He gets no job satisfaction.

One answer to this problem is a robot. For a certain job, a robot is much better than a human operative. Once it has been programmed, it will do its job over and over again. It never gets bored; it works at a constant speed; it does not make a mistake; its work is always of the same standard; it does not get tired; it does not go on strike; it can work for 24 hours without a break for food, rest, or sleep; it does not take a holiday or demand a higher wage.

A robot is usually made to act like a human machine. It has another advantage, too. It can be designed to do almost any job. You cannot change a human body, but a robot’s arm, for example, can be made to move in any direction. A robot can also do very heavy work and it can operate in a condition that is too dangerous, too hot or too cold for a person to work in. It can work under water, in a poisonous, radioactive area. And on top of all this, a robot never complains.

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