
     There are many kinds of pollution. They can be grouped into several major classification, of which we mention here: water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, and , radiation pollution.

     Airpollution is caused by car engines and by big factories with large chimneys through which dirty air escapes.

      Land "pollution can be caused by waste or rubbish such a paper, bottles, plastic, alumunium, scraps, junk, etc. Because of our carelessness and laziness, our surroundings are very dirty. They are filled with household as well as factory waste. Some waste can be broken down by natural organisms such a bacteria. Rubbish like this is called organic waste. On the other hand, rubbish which cannot be broken down by natural organism is called inorganic waste. This is more difficult to dispose of and it makes the surroundings very unpleasant to look at.

      Noise 'pollution can be caused by several things; loud music through loud speakers, the noise of motorized vehicles such as trucks, buses, motorcycle, and also air craft. Loud noise may cause deafness. It can affect the heart and cause nervous strain.

      Radiation pollution can kill many people in one moment. It is caused by uranium and other radioactive. The testing of atomic weapons is feared by people in general because atomic weapons are radioactive. These are a few examples of the different kinds of pollution in our lives.

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