The Old Javanese Song

Sluku-sluku Batok
Batoke ela elo
Si Rama menyang kuto
Oleh-olehe payung monto
Mak jentit lo lo lo bah
Wong mati ora obah
Yen Obah medeni bocah
Yen urip golek duwit

Scratch your head
Shake your head
Someone goes to the city
The souvenir is a royal umbrella
Keep moving or you die
The dead can only lie
If you want respect
Work hard an earn money

     Long ago people in Central Java sang the above song, while they were playing under the moon light. It was called 'tembang dolanan'(game song). They were singing while sitting on the ground with their legs straight, while they were moving their feet up and down.

     The old Javanese Song says if someone studies hard and works hard he will get a job and he will be respected. The first three lines mean someone is cofused and decides to go to the city to look for work. Line four means he is successful and brings reward back. Lines five to eight say you have to keep trying if you want to be successful.

     Some of the folk songs of Indonesia give advice or guidance for lifes. It is important they survive because they are part of Indonesian culture.

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